quick favorites round up!

 Summer is in full effect. Here are some of the things to love right now:

1. Homemade Caprese Salad

It doesn't get any better, simpler, or more quintessentially summer than sliced tomatoes, fresh mozzarella, and basil leaves. I like to use beefsteak and large heirloom varieties for this dish. Right before you serve, sprinkle on plenty of sea salt and course ground black pepper; drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and balsamic vinegar. I usually reduce the balsamic to thicken it up and intensify the flavor (just put 1/2 c. in a small sauce pan and simmer until reduced by half... it only takes a few minutes and it makes a huge difference!).

2. Buffalo Bill's Brewery Orange Blossom Cream Ale

It's a well-balance, solid ale with notes of orange zest and spice. It is not a fruit beer! It is light and refreshing, with a lot of carbonation and a clean finish. This beer is absolutely delicious in this heat. Just writing this makes me want one!

3. Twenty Tap Cheese Curds

This is the most addictive thing I've discovered in ages. If they renamed it Fried Crack, I wouldn't really protest. Lots of yummy aiolis let you choose your own fried cheese adventure. (I also like the grainy mustard for a punchy counterpoint.) 

4. Ludwig Farms Cheese! 

Available at the Broad Ripple Farmer's Market and Moody Meats, this Illinois creamery provides the best top-to-bottom cheese line I've found. From the Vermilion River Blue (super-pungent and creamy, pictured) to the Jake's Wheel Habanero (spicy!), to the Gouda and the Feather Ridge (sharp, nutty, firm), these cheeses are top-notch. I'm working my way through all of them with major enthusiasm.

5. Gourmet Burgers (grilled at home)

Possibly the most affordable splurge meal, burgers are just awesome. Sometimes I mix up the meats (add spicy Italian sausage, ground turkey, or lamb to the typical beef). I always add toppings. Though I don't mind eating a great burger out, this is about the easiest gourmet restaurant meal to hit dead-on at home. Try it with blue cheese and caramelized balsamic onions (pictured); it will taste like a $15 burger for next to nothing. Serve it with Caprese Salad and you have a perfect summer meal.

6. Watermelon Refresher

I stole this from Seasons 52 (it was that good!). Puree and strain watermelon pulp to get the barely pink liquid that remains (not easy but worth it). Add Atlantico Platino Rum (or any high-quality white rum), as well as a little squeeze of agave nectar. Serve on the rocks. Pure, refreshing, summer in a glass. Not being a huge fan or either watermelon or rum, I went into this one, err.... skeptical. Let's just say I was a quick convert.

This list just barely scratches the surface of summer deliciousness! I would love to hear your seasonal favorites in the comments below. Cheers to cummer!