Today is my little brother's birthday. He is not a foodie. He has actually told me that if there was a pill he could take to sustain himself instead having to eat, he would. About this time, you may be asking how on earth we can be related. Good question! We do have things in common, but obsessing over every single item consumed is not one of them.
That said, there are a few things in the food realm that--though he may not readily admit it-- get my brother very excited. Babyback ribs, lasagna, and strawberry shortcake come to mind. Now ribs are not my thing (although I will be shortly begging a friend of mine to blog about his amazing ribs), and it is just the wrong season for lasagna (though it is right around the corner). So strawberry shortcake it is!
Instead of boring you with a recipe, I found a great posting that has a plethora of amazing ideas for strawberries. Enjoy them as summer is winding down...
And a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to my favorite brother Ryne Fanning, a smart, kind, and sincere guy who is a wonderful brother, son, uncle, and friend. Ladies, take note, he is also single!
Great meal in Australia! |
Clowning with family on the guitar |
Escorting our mom for my wedding (escorting me next) |
Fulfilling 2/4 tennis majors atthe Aussie Open in Melbourne |
A beautiful family vacation in the Rockies |
Dressed as Lloyd Christmas for a birthday past. Crazy night in NYC! |